Monday 13 July 2015

365 Days: Oreo ice cream

I always have trouble with ice cream - it's delicious, but it freezes like granite.  I think this is because it is too rich.  It's especially true with fruit based ices because of all the water in it.  I varied my normal recipe on this one (and it is actually a recipe I just thought up myself) and added some egg white I had in the fridge.  I use an ice-cream maker, but obviously you can do it in the fridge, just giving it the occasional stir.  I loathe Oreos, they seem the epitome of artificial non-food (a biscuit version of the Pop tart).


Whip about 400ml double cream until in peaks; beat together a whole egg, about 2 tbsps sugar and an egg white or two, then amalgamate the two bowls, it should make the cream runny.  Put into the ice cream machine and mix until ready.  While mixing chop up one packet of Oreos (as rough or as fine as you like) and put them into the ice cream mix while it is still runny.    Usually you need to finish the ice cream in the freezer.  Take it out 10 mins before you need it.

Add-on goodies:  Brandy, rum, baileys; if you have any spare chocolate peel a few bits into the mix with a veg peeler, or put in some lumps of flakey chocolate.  Grated chocolate is too fine and doesn't really work.

What I ate

3 oatcakes with cheese on, coffee.
Scraps: last scrap of pork pie, a bit of ham, some left over chicken.
Supper:  A tuna steak with tomato, onion, olives, plus green beans.
The others ate egg and bacon pie.

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