Monday 20 July 2015

365 Days: Monday July 20th Kolokothukeftedes

When we were in Athens a couple of months ago I saw these on a picture menu...They sounded wonderful - and unpronounceable - after a week in Athens I could nearly say it.  It now trips off my tongue with great facility, but I think it's actually easier to make them than say it.

They were utterly delicious and I had them several times - and found they were not equally delicious every where; I have also eaten them in a Turkish restaurant, but I don't recall the Turkish name.  So, for the last few weeks I've been waiting for an excuse to make some.   I found a Greek recipe on a reputable looking Greek food blog here

My version was slightly different.  I used dill (about 1/3 of a supermarket packet) instead of mint, and about 200g feta, and I had quite a lot of sourdough bread crumbs, so I used half breadcrumbs and half the flour - they were utterly fabulous.  I seldom love my own food so much, but this was good.  We ate it with tzatziki.  I might do it again, the recipe made about 20 odd and could probably stretch if one gave everyone 3.  The recipe says for 8-10 - but it depends what you're doing it with.   I think perhaps they would be good as pre-dinner snacks with drinks.

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