Friday 24 July 2015

365 days: Bog standard food

This is what we ate for supper today, and it is not in the least interesting.   We ate some French merguez which I bought in a supermarche last time we were there, we ate them with potatoes that I had parboiled and then fried in the sausage oil.  I also made cauliflower and added chopped anchovies, gherkin, capers, parsley and dill.  I also cooked some peas, for Ned who doesn't like cauliflower.

It was dull meal really, but others were happy, because sausages and fried potatoes represent heaven.  Unfortunately, due to various rows, most of the food was cold, and this did not improve it.  However, M and I enjoyed a very good Pimm's before we ate.

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