Sunday 23 August 2015

365 days Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Oh dear - I have very little to report.  I went to the supermarket, fully intending to buy all the wholesome stuff I hate -and forgot.  Apart from smoked salmon.

Friday was unbearably hot, and cluttered up with events, visitors, breakdown of the hot water system, and so on... so finding time to cook one of the healthy recommended meals didn't happen.  So we went out and I ate all sorts of things - lots of chinese food which is full of unecessary sugar, and hidden fats.  On the other hand, the portions were fairly small, so we didn't completely pig out.

Saturday was also unbearably hot - so we went to the beach.  It was lovely.  At 5ish we drifted into a bar, and having not had lunch, decided to eat there.  We called the boys and told them to cook themselves stuffed pasta.  I had a nice plated of fish and salad.  It was delicious.  I awoke at 6 this morning ravenously hungry.

So, in effect I have not been cooking.   I am cooking tonight.  Recipes to follow.

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