Thursday 6 August 2015

365 days: A fridge supper

No thought about cooking today - so had to hunt the fridge.  Shockingly, despite an Ocado delivery today, we had virtually nothing useful, i.e edible and appealing to all 3 of us (the cooked salmon wasn't used).

However, there were two saucissses de montbeliard (other smoked cooking sausages are available) aging cherry tomatoes that needed to be used, half a red pepper, parsley - so in the absence of any risotto rice I  made a sort of cheat's paella/risotto.

Fry two medium sliced onions in olive oil, or olive oil and butter, add a finely sliced red pepper and a crushed garlic clove and let them soften.   Measure a mug of basmati rice, sprinkle a few strands of saffron on it, add 1 1/2 to 2 cups of boiling water and bring back to the boil, add salt, put on lid and lower the flame, cook for 10 mins.  Then back at the frying pan, add cooking sausages in chunks (old lumps of chorizo could be used), then halve the cherry tomatoes, add them (a sliver or two of celery wouldn't be bad either), and then let them cook a little; frozen peas should be added round now and keep cooking and gently stirring.  Add salt and pepper - and a little smoked paprika if you have it.  When all the veg are soft and edible, put a couple of glugs of sherry in the pan and stir in.  If you have parsley, chop some and add that, then mix in the cooked rice, stir gently to get everything amalgamated and serve.

This was jolly delicious and tasted positively Spanish... 

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