Wednesday 5 August 2015

365 Days: Monday, Tuesday

Ah, it's a food blur really - on Monday we had 2 doctors' appointments, a washing machine delivery and a friend to tea.   So I didn't cook supper.  I did make brownies though - and managed to burn them.  They were still quite nice.   I wanted to make coffee and walnut brownies, but Finn would not let me use walnuts as he doesn't like them.

This is a sturdy old brownie recipe that I have been using forever, it's perfectly acceptable, I tweaked it a bit.

Cream 3 oz butter or soft marge, with 9oz sugar (caster or soft brown) add 3 eggs, a tsp of vanilla essence or (tweak: a tsp coffee powder dissolved in hot water), at 6 oz of melted dark chocolate, then about 3-4 oz of chopped nuts and glaces cherries - any combination you like.    Add a little milk if this mixture seems too solid.  Put mixture into a paper lined baking tray.and put in medium/low oven Gas 4/3 for about 25-30 mins - but watch it - depends how thin the layer is.

I do not have pictures of the slightly charred offering sadly.

On Tuesday I went out to a delicious lunch at a wonderful newish Turkish restaurant in Canterbury called Alla Turca (I can hear the Mozart as I write that).   As a result I wasn't in a mood for cooking in the evening, but we had some mushrooms that needed to be used up.    I made 2 sauces - started with two onions and a lot of chopped bacon - or the French poitrine fume - then divided into two pans, added oregana, garlic, slivers of chorizo and a tin of tomatoes,. in the other pan, lots of sliced mushrooms, salt and pepper and half a teaspoon of fennel seeds.  When the mushrooms were cooked, I added some cooked peas (and put the other half in the tomato sauce).  Then add a bit of double cream to the mushrooms - this is an ideal recipe for using up any slightly dodgy cream that may be on the turn in the fridge.  Neither of these sauces take long - so both will be ready more or less simultaneously when you've cooked the pasta.

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