Sunday 22 June 2014

The 1,001 Portions

I cooked way too much - even though I refrained from making M'amoul and a second type of vine leaf...

The menu was served in several courses, the composition and order of which changed completely half way through, because I wanted to get out of the kitchen and join the party.

1.    Cacik, baba ghanoush and Morroccan carrot dip with pitta and olives.
2.    Tabbouleh and cucumber salad with labneh
3.    Spinach and cheese pastries
4      Deep fried mussels, deep fried prawns with Teradot sauce - fish sticks
5      Imam bayildi, stuffed vine leaves.
6     Chicken drumsticks in garlic and lime, meatballs, orange salad, chopped salad, kibbeh.
7     Barbousa with coconut, baklava
8     Turkish coffee

I also provided halloumi for Sheree as a non-fish eater, and a burgul pilav which I forgot to serve!

The puddings were both exquisite, so were the mussels and prawns - but there were way too much of both of those.  The Moroccan carrot dip was fab, and my cacik is now perfect (always remember to salt the cucumber after grating it and get rid of moisture).  I used a different kind of filo for the spanakopitta - so they weren't as nice and buttery as usual...  The vine leaf stuffing was quite nice, but prefer using raisins and pine nuts rather than tomato and dill.  The imam b, was not as nice as I remember - I think I've done a different recipe in the past, or re-used the aubergine flesh in the stuffing - which is nicer...   I forgot to dress the chopped salad - but this is good, because we can re-use it!

To be honest, for me, the best thing was how fantastic the gazebo looked with all its hangings and Stella's rugs on the lawn.  Lots of cushions, but people preferred chairs if they could get them.

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