Monday 30 September 2013

Frugal points

While I was writing the previous blog entry I noticed how many frugal activities I was undertaking... so I thought I would start assessing my cooking in terms of its frugality.

I thought one could just adopt a simple points system - a point for any of the following

Using reduced price food
Using up elderly food from the fridge
Finishing up stuff  before it goes off- e.g. the rest of a packet of passata or pot of cream that had been primarily used for something else
Creative disguise of food that has gone off a bit i.e. not dangerously (e.g. putting fermented jam into trifle)
Using your own, free produce.
Homegrown produce
Foraged produce
Using your own homemade ingredients (chutneys, vinegars, marmalade, bread etc.)
Using low energy cooking methods - microwave, remoska, haybox!
Using something v.v. cheap as the major ingredient - e.g. a 29p pack of spaghetti.
Using up elderly food on the shelves
Freezing self-cooked food for future consumption

Obviously everyone's level of frugality varies - for some a foray into Aldi for a lobster might earn a frugal point... for some a cheap ingredient would be considerably more than 29p... but you get the picture.

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