Wednesday 25 September 2013

Food diary 1 - Left overs & frugality

On Monday we had pork cheek casserole - because I had accidentally defrosted some, thinking I could use them for the pie I made on Friday.  I fried the pig cheeks, added some sliced leeks, then topped up with chicken stock and a little bit of wine, and some thyme and then cooked it for about two hours.  I did that on Saturday - while I was making the feast...  On Monday I reheated it, took a lot away to freeze, then added some slices of apple from our tree, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream to the stew and served it with mashed potato, cauliflower polonaise and peas.   For pudding there was left-over zuppa inglese.

On Tuesday I unearthed some bolognese sauce - and we had spaghetti bolognese.  And left over pudding, brownies etc.

On Wednesday (today) I was having a frugal, meatless moment and we experimented with Quorn... I had bought a box of Quorn burgers a while back, because they were cheap.  These chicken flavoured ones were not unpleasant, we may have them again, since Finn liked them a lot and they are very low on points.  Oven chips were discovered to be really rather disgusting compared with the real, triple-cooked ones I made last week (surprise! surprise!) and I didn't have any - but I had cauliflower and potato cakes instead, which were rather delicious (Monday's left overs mixed together with egg white and fried).  More brownies for them.

The plan for the rest of the week is that we should have a proper risotto tommorrow - risi e bisi, and a fish pie on Friday.  On Saturday we may have the virtually traditional pizza - or perhap scoff a bag of frozen barbecue stuff I bought.   On Sunday I think we will have a delicacy such as lamb fillet (found some reduced today), so I want to find something really nice to do with that (it must not involve anchovies - Finn is very suspicious of lamb since he discovered I used anchovies when doing shoulder/roast leg)..

Now that my beloved eldest son has gone of to University I feel freed up to cook all sorts of things he didn't like.  Finn will not enjoy fish pie - but that doesn't matter - he can have frankfurters or something.  I also feel the need for frugal food... but doubt whether I can lure Finn to eat offal - probably be better off with pure vegetable mixtures.

At present I am trying to roll the money as thin as it will go.  Our freezer is full and we need to eat it down a bit.  The supermarkets have already begun to fill up with Christmas goods - I bought an experimental box of cheese biscuits - I am assuming we will have enough money for cheese at Christmas - a bit!

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