Saturday 17 March 2012

Roman Feast

I forgot to photograph this damn!

We had a Roman Feast for 11 on Thursday.  It was pretty successful.  The Romans ate 3 course meals with a variety of dishes at each course.  This is what we had.

Olives, onion relish, cheese relish (a dip), Apicius' pork morsels, fish dumplings, barley bread, spelt bread

Ferculae:(roasts) pork with cumin sauce, chicken with ginger, lentils and chestnuts, green beans with coriander sauce, a salad (which consisted of mozarella, nuts, cucumber, capers, chicken livers with a thick dressing containing mint and egg yolks.

Apples, soft cheese, honey cakes, olives, Alexandrine dates

I think the third course was the least successful - probably because I didn't serve snails - a common feature of the last course.

Roman food is unusual, but quite good.  People really liked the fish dumplings, the onion and the cheese relish,  and the roasts.  I loved the salad - it was great.  I think the dates were a bit over cooked, the honey had got like toffee so they were crisper than they should have been.  Robert suggested we should do another Roman meal, but I need to think about whether I want to broaden this - get more people to join the mailing list and do this a bit more often.  

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