Thursday 21 November 2013

More frugal food

This week we had roast lamb - a half shoulder, reduced price at Sainsbury's.  We had some leftover which I used today with onions, ras el hanout, apricots, pine nuts and left over peas in a lamb pilaf - 2 frugal points for that dish.  The ultra frugal rice pudding - re-using one of the bits of vanilla pod from the sugar pot, and a long strip of lemon peel.  Utterly delicious.

I couldn't easily cook this week, so Tuesday was sausages, mash and cauliflower cheese (40p cauli from the farm shop).   The rest of the cauliflower cheese, with some onion, lamb stock and left over swede, and a bit of elderly Danish blue, became soup for lunch.  Wednesday we had this really wonderful cheap dish - it requires an onion, a tin of borlotti or other beans, a carton of passata and some herbs and spices - top with a spoon of sour cream or creme fraiche and some tortilla chips.  It is terribly nice and comforting, and quite filling, although on this occasion I cheated and added some left over mince (I had made burgers, and had some left over - another frugal point, in the old days I would have used all the meat and eaten more burgers.)  Eating less is another way of being frugal.   Tonight we had the pilaf, and tomorrow we are either going to have red bean curry.  We have been spending a lot less at the supermarket - but then again, I am using the vouchers they send me to stock up for Christmas - we now have a good deal of gin, crackers, snacks, and the cellar still contains a lot of spirits - including, oh joy, some pineau de charentes... which I love.  We will need some cheap fizz and some cheap red for mulled wine and a few pleasant bottles to take to people's houses.  I also want to make a great deal of fudge and truffles to take around too.   I am hoping we will get out a bit. So far, we've had one party invite.

Saturday is going to be pizza.  We haven't had it for a few's pretty frugal.

Wicked Tescos
They have sent us vouchers - £9 off if you spend £90 - decent, but I prefer the Sainsbury's offer which is a tenner off if you spend £60 - it's certainly more generous, this week it's £14 off if I spend £60 - so that's where I'm going.  I keep count as I put stuff in the trolley - but I do occasionally get lost... I spent £81 last week - when I thought I was around the £70 mark.  But the excuse was about £40 of Christmas stocking up - and catfood of course.  

Quinces hoary

Some time ago some friends of mine who were doing Virgil, reading a translation of the Georgics enjoyed this translation "quinces hoary" of a phrase in a list of things the humble rustic grew in his garden (I think).  They are tough little buggers quinces, I finally dealt with the last of them today.  I used some to make eau de vie - and some of the first batch I used for jelly, I used the pulp to make a really delicious chutney.  I am going to give tiny quantities of the eau de vie to my family for Christmas.  The grated quince is already steeping in brandy - I used a couple of quinces to cook some pork fillet with.  The last quinces have made a second tiny batch of jelly - which I think has a better flavour, suggesting that the quinces have continued to ripen.

Unfortunately I left the quince pulp hanging around, and it got mouldy, so I couldn't do a second batch of chutney.  

I am really excited about the quince eau de vie, and I so wish I had made some more blackberry gin - we had some at supper on 11th October, and it was quite delicious.